The Tara Pearce team came across this extremely good article By Very Well Health written by Cathy Wong |Reviewed by Richard N. Fogoros, MD  We thought it would be great to republish this abridged version of it for our...

Jewellery - it is every woman's delight. It has always been an important part of a woman's wardrobe. Does your heartbeat go up at the mention of jewellery? Read on to find out about jewellery and what...

Being a runner over 40 has presented new areas of interest (and concern) for me on the road and more importantly in my training and recovery off the road. I love to run and it's great to...
The Tara Pearce Lifestyle Blog team found this great article on the Judy Small website and they have kindly agreeā€™s for us to publish this on our blog for our readers to...

If you are looking to add muscle to your body it's going to take the right amount of weight gain and the right amount of hard work to get it accomplished. It doesn't mean that you have...

Does anybody take any notice of the flowers and plants around them? I love flowers. I can't imagine life without them, but I am sure most people don't even notice them. USES

Stretching is one type of exercise which is aimed to deliberately lengthen the muscles. You can easily do it by bending your body into some different positions. As a matter of fact, there are more movements involved...

When people talk about salads, they mostly think that it's just the little dish made up of lettuce and other fixings, toppings and dressing they eat before starting the main course of every meal. Some will think...
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